Den aalborgensiske producent af metanolbrændselsceller, Blue World Technologies, indgår samarbejde med den amerikanske producent af luksus elbiler, Karma Automotive. Foreløbigt handler samarbejdet om at undersøge, hvordan brændselscellesystemet kan bruges til den primære fremdrift i fremtidige personbiler og lette erhvervskøretøjer.
I en pressemeddelelse lyder det fra Karma Automotives adm. direktør Dr. Lance Zhou:
“We are investing in these types of powertrain technologies now to prepare for an emission-free world by having various extended-range electrification solutions that include hydrogen, ethanol and methanol fuel cells as a propulsion system. This collaboration brings together Blue World’s strength in fuel cell development and our vast expertise in engineering hybrid propulsion systems and integrating electric vehicle technologies.”
Begejstringen deles helt og holdent af Mads Friis Jensen, der er kommerciel direktør og medstifter af Blue World Technologies:
“We are very excited about the collaboration with Karma and see great potential in combining their expertise within hybridisation and powertrain solutions with our flexible fuel cell concept that is suitable for both engine bay or skateboard platform integration.”
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