Ifølge en ny rapport E4tech steg den samlede brint- og brændselscellekapacitet med 40% sidste år.
Brint- og brændselscellekapaciteten overstiger 1GW
Ifølge en ny rapport fra energikonsulenterne fra E4tech steg den samlede mængde brint- og brændselscellekapacitet, der shippes rundt over alt i verden, til ca. 1,1GW – altså en stigning på 40% i forhold til 2018-niveau.
I forbindelse med offentliggørelsen af rapporten udtalte Davis Hart, E4techs director, hydrogen and fuel cells:
“There is a real sense that the industry is on the cusp of something great. Fuel cells are proven from a technical perspective and blowing past the 1 GW mark is a vindication of that. Now, as we enter a new decade, the sector also enters a new stage, which will be characterised by rapid commercialisation and infrastructure build out.
If the 2010s can be seen as the breakout decade for the battery, the 2020s will see the ascendancy of the fuel cell.”
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