Everfuel A/S has announced plans for a phase II-development of HySyngergy at Fredericia refinery, which includes a 300 MW electrolyser and PtX facility. This involves a scale-up enlargement of green hydrogen, of which 20% will be used directly as zero emission mobility, and the rest 80% will be allocated as green raw material for production of additional fuels.
The new facility will permit an annual CO2 reduction of 214,000 tons from the industry- and mobility sectors, equivalent to approx. 4,7% of the total CO2 emission from the Danish land transport sector.
In connection with this announcement, Jakob Krogsgaard, founder and CEO of Everful, says:
”This is a truly unique project and a global showcase of cross sectoral PtX synergies, furthermore, posing a significant CO2 emissions reduction potential on both near- and long term. Adding to the substantial here-and-now CO2 reduction potential from the planned 80/20 capacity distribution between refining and direct use in mobility, a gradual increase in hydrogen capacity used directly for land-based transportation may further increase the CO2 reduction up to an annual 450,000 ton, equal to the CO2 displacement from 500,000 electric cars. Put in another perspective, this is equivalent to a ~10% reduction of the total land-based transport emissions in Denmark. We are eager to proceed with the HySynergy Phase II project and continue bringing Fredericia and the Danish Triangle Region forward as a European hub for PtX and green fuels.”
Everfuel is in close dialogue with public as well as private interested parties. The Danish hydrogen production company has also applied for supplementary project financing under the scheme “Important Projects of Common European Interest” (IPCEI) for the development of large hydrogen projects. The expected budget for the project is up to DKK 1.9 billion (approx. EUR 250 million).
Everfuel is currently developing the HySynergy Phase I 20 MW electrolysis, and final regulatory approval is expected to be completed by the summer of 2021, with construction scheduled to begin in the third quarter. HySynergy Phases I and II are part of Everfuel’s announced plan to invest EUR 1.5 billion in the development of the green hydrogen value chain in Europe and to reach EUR 1 billion annual turnover from the sale of hydrogen by 2030.
Read the full press release from Everfuel here.