At Hydrogen Denmarks annual general meeting, a new board of directors has been elected today. with the development of the organization, it was decided to expand the board with two new members from the member companies’ industrial companies. The board has thus gone from 10 to 13 people.
The hydrogen and Power-to-X industry is in rapid development not only in Denmark but all over the world. This must of course be reflected in the Danish main organization for the industry, Hydrogen Denmark. Therefore, the re-elected chairman, Uffe Borup, is pleased that the Hydrogen industry is expanding and equipping with new, strong board members:
“There has been great support for the Hydrogen Denmark’s work at today’s general meeting, and we have taken stock of a successful year for an industry in rapid development. Therefore, I am also pleased that today we have expanded the board with more skilled profiles, which strengthen the board’s competencies and reflect the industry’s development. Hydrogen and Power-to-X have in a short time become key elements in the green transition not just in Denmark but throughout the world. It is not least in light of the war in Ukraine and the geopolitical consequences thereof that the change has become even more urgent, and Denmark can play a crucial role in the development and roll-out of e.g. the hydrogen and PtX solutions that are central to that process,” says Uffe Borup, Chairman of the Board of Hydrogen Denmark.
After the general meeting, the Board of Directors elected to constitute itself as follows:
Uffe Borup, Everfuel
Thea Larsen, Dansk Gasteknisk Center
Board members
Jens Oluf Jensen, DTU Energi
Kristina Fløche Juelsgaard, Ballard Power Systems
Lykke Mulvad Jeppesen, Ørsted
Mads Friis Jensen, Blue World Technologies
Martin Borum Pedersen, Nel Hydrogen
Martin Romvig, Klimafonden Skive
Mathias Aarup Berg, European Energy
Mick Cramer Jakobsen, DNV
Morten Sørensen, Advent Technologies
Poul Georg Moses, Topsoe
Søren Rydbirk, Green Hydrogen Systems

Questions or comments
Tejs Laustsen Jensen – director, Hydrogen Denmark
tlf. 26 23 94 43