Hydrogen Denmark has today presented its views on the government’s proposal for a Power-to-X (PtX) and hydrogen strategy by presenting it to The Climate, Energy and Utilities Committee. The committee deals with all issues related to energy, utility and climate policy, e.g. bills and motions for resolutions in the committee’s subject area.
Hydrogen Denmark believes that the government’s proposal for the PtX strategy is a sensible platform for realizing the Danish potential, and recommends, among other things, a minimum of 6 GW electrolysis capacity in 2030 – and with an ambition of a minimum of 10 GW in 2035. Hydrogen Denmark also notes that significant parts of the strategy as it is formulated are missing: The director of Hydrogen Denmark, Tejs Laustsen Jensen, notes that the strategy lacks an eye for stimulating the Danish takeover of PtX on land, at sea, and in air, and proposes to set up a PtX Task Force in order to lift a rapid implementation of the strategy.
Hydrogen Denmark also emphasizes that PtX, in addition to climate, also has a (positive) impact on industry and jobs to a great extent.
See the full presentation from Hydrogen Denmark here:

Questions or comments
Tejs Laustsen Jensen – director, Hydrogen Denmark
tlf. 26 23 94 43