This week, the government has presented two new proposals, which respectively want to quadruple electricity production from solar and wind on land, and to fivefold the amount of electricity from offshore wind produced in Denmark.
These are good initiatives, according to Hydrogen Denmark, and we especially support the initiatives that help diminish administrative burdens, which currently block development of green energy.
It is important, that we do not limit the agreements to renewable energy alone, we must think about incorporating Power-to-X-solutions (PtX) from the start. Otherwise we will risk, that PtX will be slowed down by the same administrative hurdles that have taken the pace out of the green transition so far. We therefore suggest to incorporate PtX-solutions straight away, so we can avoid similar, long administrative processes from the get-go.
Hydrogen Denmark wishes to highlight the following:
- Strenghtening of complaints-procedures should not only include RES-projects there should also be competencies dedicated to strengthen complaints-procedures when it comes to PtX projects.
- The so-called Travel-Team (Rejseholdet), which can help municipalities to plan for RES-projects, must also have PtX competencies. Furthermore, it would be advantouos that the Travel Team develops close ties with the PtX Task Force that is to be erected in August by the Danish Energy Agency.
- Energy zones, pointed out by the government, should not be irrevocably locked, as to avoid unnecessary blockage of development of RES outside these zones, if the opportunity should ever arise.
Questions or comments?

Mette Kirstine Schmidt – Politisk og international chef
tlf. 31 70 74 24