EU-Algeria Energy Forum
In the framework of the Algeria – EU energy dialogue, and on the occasion of the High Level meeting between the Algerian Minister of Energy and Mines H.E. Mohamed ARKAB and the European Commissioner for Energy H.E. Kadri SIMSON, a Business Forum on natural gas and renewable energies will be organized in Algiers on 11 and 12 October 2022.
This Business Forum, which will bring together the main actors in the energy field, in particular political decision-makers, senior managers of Algerian and European companies, industrial and employers’ associations, Algerian and European financial institutions, seeks to promote and facilitate investments and industrial partnerships between Algerian and European companies in the fields of natural gas and renewable energies. In particular, the Forum will be an opportunity:
- For Algeria to present to European companies its potential and opportunities for investment and partnership with national companies (public and private) as well as the national policies in the fields of natural gas and renewable energies.
- For participating European companies to find out about Algeria’s sectoral policies and meet potential local partners through specific Business-to-Business sessions.
We invite interested European companies to plan for participation in this event. Information on how to register, as well as the programme of the Forum, will follow soon.
For more information and initial expressions of interest, please contact Vincenzo RANDAZZO, Counsellor at the EU Delegation to Algeria (Vincenzo.RANDAZZO@eeas.europa.eu).