Hydrogen in pipelines
Power-to-X is essential to the green transition in Denmark and is expected to become a large part of Danish technology exports. This places great demands on our handling and development of the infrastructure around Power-to-X, including the gas network.
The gas network is one of the most profitable ways to transport hydrogen. Thus, the Danish gas network will be crucial in connection to the purchase, storage, and distribution of a significant part of the energy produced from renewable energy sources such as solar and wind, which may subsequently be converted into hydrogen.
However, this requires a conversion of the gas network to be able to handle increasing fractions of hydrogen gas, as existing pipelines are not designed for this and we therefore risk problems such as hydrogen embrittlement.
For registration and updated program, please visit Force Technology’s website.
Welcome and introduction Trine Nybo Lomholt, programme manager, FORCE Technology |
Hydrogen and (gas) infrastructure – why do they interact well? Thea Larsen, CEO, Dansk Gasteknisk Center |
Hydrogen and PtX in Denmark and Europe Martin Hartvig, senior engineer, Energinet |
Hydrogen as energy carrier – comparison with gas and electricity Geir Agustsson, senior pipeline engineer, Rambøll |
Hydrogen and materials – possibilities and constraints Ditte Bilgrav Bangsgaard, specialist, FORCE Technology |
Questions and matchmaking Trine Nybo Lomholt, programme manager, FORCE Technology |