Virtual Business Seminar Chile, California and Denmark
Hydrogen Denmark and the Danish Embassy and Trade Council in Chile and North America invite you to join the Virtual Business Seminar on Power-to-X development in Chile and California March 21-25, 2022
- An introduction to the Chilean and Californian PtX markets and concrete projects
- A window of opportunity to present your solutions to the stakeholders in both markets
- Presentations from the main project developers and organizations
- Contact details and a chance to build up or strengthen existing business relationships
You can read the official invitation and register your company by clicking the button below, as well as finding contact information on the relevant persons to help you if you have any questions.
More information

Eleonore Fenne
tlf. +45 31 27 03 20
mail: kemf@brintbranchen.dk

Erhvervsfremstødet “Meet and present yourself to the Chilean and Californian PtX project developers and value chain” er støttet med 75 procent af Udenrigsministeriet, The Trade Council.