Everfuel distribuerer nu grøn brint fra Siemens Gamesas pilotprojekt
Everfuel distribuerer nu grøn brint fra Siemens Gamesas pilotprojekt i Brande. Projektet er det første, der producerer grøn brint fra vind uden at bruge energi fra nettet, den såkaldte ”ø-tilstand”.
Den lokalt producerede brint i Brande distribueres nu til Everfuels brinttankstationer og driver det voksende antal brændselscellekøretøjer. Jakob Krogsgaard, CEO hos Everfuel, siger:
“Demonstrating the entire value chain for locally produced green hydrogen is something we have been looking very much forward to. The wind turbine in the project is close to the Everfuel headquarter, which means that the wind blowing here today, powers the taxies in Copenhagen tomorrow. Siemens Gamesa has extensive experience in wind and partnering with them on distributing green hydrogen from the project is a dedication to the energy transition. It is no longer enough to have renewables. We need to be able to decouple production of renewable energy from consumption, in order to make zero-emission mobility happen.”