Nyt initiativ fra Hydrogen Europe vil sætte storskala brintproduktion centralt i den europæiske Green Deal.
Nyt initiativ fra Hydrogen Europe
Hydrogen Europe har udgivet et nyt initiativ, der har til formål at sætte fokus på de massive potentialer, der ligger i storskala brintproduktion for den grønne omstilling af Europa:
“This is an initiative of the European industry association Hydrogen Europe with the objective to promote a massive increase of electrolyser production within the EU in order to support green hydrogen production. The 2×40 GW Green Hydrogen Initiative can be regarded as a great asset for the implementation of the European Green Deal and EVP Timmermans stated, in a recent discussion with the hydrogen industry, the support to make “a success of this initiative””.
Du kan læse hele initiativet her.