I et åbent brev til Frans Timmermans opfordrer en ny koalition af europæiske strømgiganter til at prioritere grøn brint i EUs energistrategier.

Ny koalition lægger pres på EU for at prioritere grøn brint

Mens verden forbereder sig på tiden post-corona, er den økonomisk genopretning topprioritet efter krisen. I EU regi er det gjort klart, at klimaindsatsen og European Green Deal skal være centrale elementer i den europæiske genopretningsindsats.

En ny koalition af europæiske strømaktører bestående af bl.a. Ørsted, Vestas og Wind Europe har skrevet et åbent brev til Europakommissionens Executive Vice-President, Frans Timmermans, hvor de opfordrer kommissionen til at prioritere vedvarende energi og produktionen af grøn brint i den kommende klimaindsats i EU. Koalitionen står bag kampagnen Choose Green Hydrogen, og advokerer for en stærkere satsning på grøn brint.

I brevet hedder det bl.a.:

Europe has taken the lead in the fight against climate change with the European Green Deal and the commitment to climate-neutrality by 2050. Amidst the COVID-19 health crisis and its economic implications Europe needs to prioritise the most efficient, sustainable and costeffective pathways to decarbonise its economy and to create jobs.
The decarbonisation of the power sector through greater use of renewable energy coupled with electrification of the rest of the energy system and energy efficiency will drive the clean transition.

Investment in renewable hydrogen has a great potential in terms of jobs and growth creation. This is because Europe will expand the renewable electricity capacity needed for its production and technological development. European leaders are now setting out stimulus plans to kick start our economy after COVID-19. Every Euro spent on accelerating the cost-effective business models that create the most value for Europe – such as renewable hydrogen and direct electrification – will keep us on track to a faster and job-rich energy transition.

By making the right choices and placing renewables at the core of Europe’s future energy system, Europe can lead the way in the global energy transformation and shape its Green Deal as a true European success story. Our companies stand ready to deliver this vision.  

