SerEnergy er nu klar med fjerde generation af brændselscelleenheden SereneU. Den opgraderede enhed sikrer længere levetid, mindre service og vedligehold og generelt forbedret total cost of ownership. I forbindelse med lanceringen udtalte SerEnergys R&D Director, Morten Hougaard Sørensen:
“Quality assurance is perhaps the most challenging exercise for new technologies – many companies in the fuel cell business have failed. At SerEnergy, we extensively test, validate and qualify our components, assembly processes, and products. And throughout a decade now including four product generations, we have improved the design and demonstrated its quality and reliability both in our local test center, at our partners’ and at customers’ sites. We qualify our fuel cells and systems through a broad range of tests according to international standards, covering among others: durability tests, environmental testing, reliability and stress testing plus functional safety tests. And constantly, we manage to push the boundaries of our fuel cell technologies in response to customer requirements.”
Læs mere om SereneU her.