Flere giganter melder sig nu på banen i forhold til at udvikle brintlastbiler. Denne gang er det Toyota og Hino Motors, der samarbejder om at producere bæredygtige lastbiler.

Toyota og Hino vil lave brintlastbiler

Toyota Motor Company og Hino Motors, Ltd. er gået sammen for at udvikle en ny type brintlastbil. Begge firmaer har sat ambitiøse reduktionsmålsætninger, og udvidelsen af brintteknologier til lastbiler er endnu et skridt på vejen. Lastbilen skal bygges ud fra Hino Profia-lastbilen, og vil indeholde to brændselscellestakke fra Toyota, som er helt nye og udviklet til Toyotas nye Mirai. 

I en fælles pressemeddelelse fra Toyota og Hino  kan man læse mere om lastbilen:

The heavy-duty fuel cell truck in this joint development project is based on Hino Profia, and is being developed taking maximum advantage of the technologies both Toyota and Hino have cultivated over the years. The chassis is specially designed with the optimum packaging for a fuel cell vehicle, and steps are being taken through comprehensive weight reduction to ensure a sufficient load capacity. The powertrain is equipped with two Toyota fuel cell stacks that have been newly developed for Toyota’s next Mirai and includes vehicle driving control that applies heavy-duty hybrid vehicle technologies, developed by Hino. Also, cruising range will be set at approximately 600 km, aiming to meet high standards in both environmental performance and practicality as a commercial vehicle.

Du kan læse mere om planerne her.

